KJEMI nr. 6 - 2021

K J E M I 6 2 0 2 1 2 3 THE MICROBIOME DIAGRAM 1 Dendritic cells and other phagocytes ingest foreign micro­ organisms and present the microorganism’s antigens on their cell surfaces They activate and control the responses of the immune system 1 Butyrate production Bacillus subtilis and the dipeptide alanylglutamine (AlaGln) work together to increase the production of butyrate, which is an important source of energy for intestinal cells 2 Resolvin production Bacillus megaterium converts high doses of omega3 fatty acids into resolvins that can inhibit inflammation 2 Plasma cells are Blymphocytes and produce large quantities of antibodies (immunoglobulin A), which fight off foreign microorganisms How combinations of probiotics with additional ingredients can boost the production of certain substances by bacteria How the intestinal barrier recognizes dangerous intruders and renders them harmless SYNBIOTICS Antigen Microbe Antibody (IgA) 3 Goblet cells secrete mucus (mucins) that protects the intestinal absorptive cells against mechanical irritation and contact with intestinal bacteria Immune cells Peyer’s patches (lymphoid follicles) 4 M cells are specialized epithelial cells that enable the recognition of antigens from the intestine. The antigens are passed on to immune cells, which then move into the lymphatic tissue of the intestine and initiate immune reactions 5 Paneth cells These gland cells produce peptides for suppressing pathogenic microorganisms Dendritic cell Plasma cell Goblet cell M cell Paneth cell Ala-Gln Omega-3 fatty acid Omega-3 fatty acid B. subtilis Butyrate Lactate affect the immune system B. megaterium Ala-Gln and B. subtilis modulate the composition of the intestinal bacteria and lead to increased butyrate production B. megaterium converts omega-3 fatty acids into resolvins Intestinal bacteria Resolvins Mucins Antimicrobial peptides THE IMMUNE RESPONSE OF THE INTESTINE By permission: Reprint from Evonik Elements 2/2021